Your Pet's Pawprint Cast in Solid Bronze!


Making the world a better place
one paw at a time since 2008!


Cowboy at the 2024 Mutt Strutt in Pullman, WA

Tracy and Cowboy at the 2024 Mutt Strutt in Pullman, WA

Send me an impression of your dog or cat's paw,
and I'll make it into a one of a kind, treasured


All about Pet-Paws:

A Pet-Paw is a custom solid metal "paw" cast directly from your pet's paw print impression. Pet-Paws can be cast in bronze, brass, copper, or aluminum. Because they are made of metal, they will not break, and they will last forever. A Pet-Paw made form your dog or cat's paw will keep their memory alive always. It is comforting to hold your Pet-Paw and feel the paw pads in your hand. It's like holding your pet's paw again.

A bronze casting of a pet's paw is a cherished keepsake that captures the unique imprint of a beloved pet's paw in a durable and timeless material. The process involves creating a mold of the paw print, which is then filled with molten metal to create a detailed and lasting representation. This artistic piece not only serves as a beautiful tribute to the pet, but also allows pet owners to preserve the memory of their furry companions in a tangible form. Wherever displayed, these bronze castings symbolize the bond between pets and their owners, making them a meaningful memorial item.

Lots of bronze Pet-Paws



Metal types:


Pet-Paws are cast in your choice of the following metals:

Brass is a bright yellow metal. Golden Retrievers like their paws in brass! Ginger cats like brass too!

Copper is a bright red metal. Great for an Irish Setter or an old Redbone Coon Hound.

Bronze varies quite a bit. The color spans from a yellowish-brown to pinkish-brown. A new bronze casting is always bright and shiny, especially around the edges. Bronze will patina naturally over time to the familiar 'antique' brownish color. Some bronze paws exhibit a natural swirled petina just as they are taken out of the sand mold. Some paws may even show some green coloration. The surface may already be a dark antiquey brown when the sand is cracked away form the paw. Sometimes there are even some orange/reddish hues. If you want a timeless look, then choose to cast your paws in bronze. Most dogs and cats prefer their Pet-Paw to be in bronze.

Aluminum is a bright and silvery metal, and is much lighter than the other three metals - 1/3 of the weight. White cats and Weimaraner dogs prefer to have their Pet-Paws cast in aluminum.

Pet-Paws can also be cast in silver using .999% pure silver bullion. Silver colored Schnauzers really take a liking to having their paws cast in silver! They will settle for nothing less. Take a look at our photo gallery to see more Pet-Paws categorized by the various metal types.

15.4 ounce silver Pet-Paw set

Same silver Pet-Paw set


All metal used to make Pet-Paws has been recycled. A lot of the metal comes from old plumbing parts, car parts, lamps, etc. All packing material used to ship Pet-Paws is recycled. Most of this material comes from customer impression boxes that are sent to me.

I use recycled bronze to cast my bronze Pet-Paws.
See the beautiful pink hue?

Here's the brass at the recycle center.
Beautiful shiny bright yellow.



Paw pads up? Or paw pads down?

Pet-Paws come in 2 styles: imprint, or relief. The imprint style is like a paw track in the sand. The pads and claws are sunken down into the metal. The relief style is like if you were holding your dog or cat's paw in your hand. The pads and claws are sticking up out of the metal. The relief is the default style for all impressions made in Play-doh. When you order a single Pet-Paw, it will be made in relief style. The imprint paw is only made from most impressions that consist of clay or foam/clay material. Imprint style paws are also made for the Pet-Paw sets. Pet-Paws are solid metal and fairly heavy. The average weight of a large relief Pet-Paw is 1 lb. Imprint Pet-Paws are heavier averaging 1.5 lbs.

Imprint (left) and relief (right) paw styles

Same two paws fit together as a Pet-Paw set




An inscription is hand written on the back of each Pet-Paw. I can write pretty small, so I can fit a lot on the back of a Pet-Paw. Most customers just have their pet's name for the inscription, but some have more such as, "Forever in our hearts." Dates are also common. Inscriptions can be made on the side (edge) of the Pet-Paw by request. The surface around the edge of a Pet-Paw is highly polished to a near mirror finish.

Inscription on the back of Cowboy's Pet-Paw


Inscription on the back of Boceefus' Pet-Paw






Pet-Paw sizes:

Small, large, and giant Pet-Paws


Pet-Paws are considered small, large, or giant in size.

A small Pet-Paw is 2-1/4 inches and under. Cats and small dogs have small Pet-Paws.

A large Pet-Paw is over 2-1/4 inches up to 4-1/2 inches in length. Most medium to large size dog breeds have large Pet-Paws.

A giant Pet-Paw is over 4-1/2 inches in length. Very large dog breeds such as Great Danes and Mastiffs and wolves have giant Pet-Paws.

A Giant Pet-Paw in my hand from a Great Dane



Pet-Paw shapes:

The default shape of a Pet-Paw is the contour of the paw itself. Basically, they are "paw" shaped. I follow the shape of the paw about an 1/8th inch out from the edge of the pads and claws. Other popular shapes I make are squares (tiles), hearts, and ovals/circles.

Paw contour shape


Bronze heart shaped Pet-Paw set


Circle shape around a dog nose with hole for keyring or hanging


Bronze Pet-Paw tile



Pendants, key chains, and hanging ornaments:

A hole can be drilled for making pendants, key chains, or hanging ornaments. Great for cat paws, small dog paws, noses, and lighter aluminum paws. Pendant paws are "thinned" by removing extra metal from the back to make it lighter in weight.


A Pet-Paw can also be made into a cabinet knob.



The Creation of a Pet-Paw:

How can a solid bronze paw be created from your dog or cat's paw?
It all starts with a good impression.

Impression: An impression of the paw is made using Play-doh. Both store-bought or homemade Play-doh will work.
I can make paws from impressions made with clay, plaster, or the stoft foam-like clay. A good impression is important. It shouldn't be too deep, or too shallow. The surface of the Play-doh should be smooth and flat. You should see all 4 paw pads and claws. What you see in the impression is what you get in the bronze.

Wax pattern: When I receive your Play-doh impression, the first thing I do is to pour warm molten wax into the impression. As the wax cools and solidifies, it becomes the pattern for the metal Pet-Paw. I then carve the wax around the contour of the paw and into its final shape. The wax paw is called a "pattern" and will be used in the sand mold to cast the bronze. I do not use wax with clay and plaster impressions becase the wax will stick and ruin these type of impressions. Instead, I push Play-doh into the clay or plaster and create an impression of the impression. Then I pour molten wax onto the new Play-doh impression and create the wax pattern.

Sand mold: The wax pattern is used in a green-sand mold to create the hollow cavity into which the molten metal will be poured. The green-sand is packed around the wax pattern (usually several) in a two piece mold. After the sand is packed, the mold halves are separated, and the wax pattern is carefully removed. Sometimes removing the wax pattern causes the sand to break or stick inside the wax plattern, especially if there are any undercuts around claws, etc. Using tiny drops of water, I spend time "glueing" the sand back into place. I call it "sand surgery." It is tedious and can take some time and patience. Then channels are made in the sand for the molten metal to flow through, and for gas to escape. Excess moisture in the sand is driven off with a torch, and the two mold halves are secured together. It is now ready to receive hot, molten metal.

Molten metal: While I am in "sand surgery" the propane powered foundry is roaring away as it melts the metal inside. Bronze, brass, and copper melt at about 1650 - 2000° F. Aluminum melts at about 1200° F. The molten metal is poured like water into the sand mold. The metal flows through the channels and into the sand paws. Gases escape through holes, as well as the sand, as the metal rapidly cools. The metal paw is removed from the sand mold when it is cool enough to handle. It is still attached to the channeling system, so I cut that off and proceed to finish the paw with grinding, sanding, and polishing.


Every Pet-Paw is as unique as the dog or cat that it was created from. No two Pet-Paws are alike, even if they are cast from the same paw impression using the same wax pattern. And no Pet-Paw is "perfect." There are many variables involved which include temperature, metal composition, time, and the artist's hand. All these variables contribute to the size, shape, color, and texture of the Pet-Paw. During the casting process small quirks and inconsistencies arise which add to the uniqueness and elegance of the Pet-Paw, such as small pits, lines, holes, or rough patches in the paw. Pet-Paws that are cast from impressions that are too deep are very thick, and will usually have a concave area on the back of the paw (the back of the Pet-Paw is "dished in.") This is due to the contraction of the metal as it cools.

Ordering a Pet-Paw is a unique way to memorialize your beloved pet, capturing the intricate details of their paw print in a beautiful and lasting bronze casting. This personalized keepsake serves as a heartfelt tribute, allowing pet owners to cherish the memory of their furry companions long after they have passed. The process is simple and non-invasive, ensuring your pet’s comfort, while the final product is crafted with care and attention to detail, making it a meaningful addition to any home or a thoughtful gift for fellow pet lovers. With a Pet-Paw, you not only celebrate the bond you shared but also create a lasting legacy of your pet's presence in your life.

A Poem About Pet-Paws
Written by AI

In ancient times, craftsmen did create
Bronze dog and cat paws, a sight so great.
With skill and patience, they formed each paw,
A testament to the love for creatures raw.

The dogs and cats, with their loyal hearts,
Are honored in bronze, their strength impart.
Their paws, so delicate, now forever preserved,
A symbol of their bond, and the love they served.

In museums and galleries, they are displayed,
The beauty of their form, cannot be swayed.
Their intricate details, a wonder to behold,
And the stories they tell, worth more than gold.

For these bronze dog and cat paws,
Speak volumes of the animal's cause.
Their loyalty and love, now forever shown,
In bronze paws, their legacy is known.

So if you see these paws, with a gleam in your eye,
Remember the bond, that never will die.
For the dogs and cats, who gave so much,
Are now immortalized, in bronze with a touch.

Do you have a plaster cast or an impression from any of the following animals:
cougar, bobcat, lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, cheetah, wolf, or bear?
If you do, I would love to borrow it and cast it in bronze!
In return, I will give you a free bronze casting from the impression you send to me!


Links of Interest:

A sister site to Pet-Paws, because they were both created by the same person.
Yes, Tracy is an artist and a gardener all in one!


An offspring of Pet-Paws.
Yes, this is baby Tracy!


The story of Star, Sun, and Moon.


Tracy's story.


Pet-Paws donates to The Wild Animal Sanctuary!

Click on the Tiger!



Copyright © 2009-2024. All rights reserved.
Pet-Paws | 301 S 10th St., Garfield, WA 99130 | 509-553-3842 |

pet memorial cat paw dog paw paw print paw prints pet memorial cat paw prints dog paw prints cat paw print dog paw print pet paw print pet paw prints animal pet paw prints cast paw print animal print wild print cast print paw print paw print paw print paw prints cast impression make your own paw print clay paw print make a paw print keepsake pet memorial pet paw print make a paw print cast a paw print animal paw print paw sculpture pet memorial paw print wild animal paw print paw prints pet memorial pet paw print cast paw print keepsake bronze print paw print dog cat dog cat paw print cast pet memorial